@DonaldTrumpet You are the one need to take it. Everything you said is nonsense and unthinking. All because you are sexist and you just trying to prove that you are always the best. But you should know the fact that you are just an unstable mind person behind the screen. Why don't you go outside and say that to everyone in the public? I bet you can't because you are a coward.
Trolling and saying all these things on social media only makes you look like nothing but a coward. You see social media is safe for you to act like a bad person so you take advantage of it. Well, no doubt because you truly are a coward. You may act like a big guy on social media, but in reality, you are just as small as a piece of sand.
You like when people reply to your nonsense message because that is the main point of trolling people. Trollers like to get attention, and they like when people reply to their message so that they can continuously troll them. That is the way they entertain themselves because they are bored, and their life is unstable. I disgust you and feel sorry for your unstable mind. If a person like you go back to school and study, I'm sure you will eventually drop out.