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I Reached Out And I Tried

When I had my Schizoaffective disorder relapse from spring 2012-2017 I was so messed up and sick and crazy I really couldn’t have expected anyone to stay by my side for that long just to watch me suffer and fight off the devil! My best friend ghosted me over time as she grew harder and harder to reach or respond to me. I let her go. But I’m doing better now, I can finally say that I am myself again and I miss her I miss loving her so a few moments ago I reached out to her via messenger and Facebook it’s only a matter of time before she gets my message. Here’s to hoping that we will be friends again!
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luv2fish · 70-79, M
I can empathize and wish you the best. My ex had bipolar and schizophrenia and I loved her more than any thing. For her, I think her conditions were exasperated by her childhood abuse from both of her parents. She heard voices. She would start conversations to me and it seemed like it was in the middle of a conversation, missing the first part of it. She said over and over that she thought I had being talking with her from the beginning of her thoughts. As hard as I tried to understand her condition, it didn't sink until I saw the movie Shutter Island. I have so much empathy for people with schizophrenia.

I didn't think it was possible to love someone as much as I loved her. Her childhood abuse caused a lot of damage to her life. She got to the point where to preferred the company of another woman. It was the hardest and most hurtful decision I have ever made to let her go. She is happy now and I'm happy for her.
saintsong · 41-45, F
Wow sorry to hear she was blessed to have you by her side@luv2fish
NotBarbie · 36-40, F
Fingers crossed, Honey! 🤞 So glad to hear you feel better 😻
saintsong · 41-45, F
Here’s to hoping I feel marvellous compared to back then like I always hoped I would H@NotBarbie
NotBarbie · 36-40, F
@saintsong 💞 Just do the best you can, until you can do better Honey. One day at a time...
Jonny5 · 51-55, M
Hey, that great to hear...🤗
DrWatson · 70-79, M
My wife has psychiatric issues, so I have at least some tiny hint of an inkling of how difficult that must have been for you. I am glad you are better now, and I do hope your friend returns.
saintsong · 41-45, F
Yay we’re friends again

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