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I Hate Traffic

Amazing how 3" of snow can bring UK motorways to a standstill. Mind you, you get to meet some cool Bears.

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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Forecast is for a foot of snow here tonight. I will go to work in the morning as always. My 4X4 truck will get me there no problem.
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Did it escape from the Foxes Glacier Mint factory?
Ironicman · 56-60, M
@pennynoodles can't believe they still make them in Leicester. Surprised the company didn't sell and ship out. No, I was no where near Leicester. I do however miss that advert, so just for you noodles;
pennynoodles · 56-60, F
Aw a touch of nostalgia there, thank you .
Stop winding us up!!
Ynotisay · M
Woah. That's an animal that could come through that glass in a heartbeat. Cool shot.
TheProphet · M
Fuck. Here that doesn't even count as real snow.

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