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I Believe Teens Know More Than Adults Think We Do

Once your a teen you should be able to do everything adults can do.
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
LOl you are so gonna hate me.. but see us adults have been where you are now and we know that you really arent or shouldnt be allowed to do everything adults can.. there are many good reasons too..

If given a choice few 14 year olds would go to school which would effectively mean little or no future... many young people make stupid mistakes... this is why they are still minors with adults responsible for them because those adults help make sure the mistakes teens make arent too life damaging... teens tend because of their rapidly growing but not yet mature world wise smarts don't think of the consequences of their actions.. they arent aware of what they arent aware of... they think they are invincible... many teens and young adults binge drink.. one of the advantages of maturity is that you know why you shouldnt do things teens often dont have that maturity.

So its that. you arent goin to accept this but you dont know what you dont know will and you are in the stage where there are rapid leaps in maturity each year.. at 16 you are way smarter than you were when you were 14 in terms of world wise smarts and maturity .... and same again when you are 18 then 14 seems immature to you.... its just how it is. as i say you arent going to accept it but when you are say 28 you will know why
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
lol teens *think* we underestimate them.. we dont.. we were that age once and remember how we felt, what we thought we knew ... so nope we dont underestimate x
Like use correct grammar?
DanteAsiir · M
I believe adults underestimate us, what we know and what we can do, but I am not ready to deal with full adult responsibilities yet.
jimjim1969 · M
You are correct
scott18 · 26-30, M
A lot, not all

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