MarmeeMarch · M
Simple - get a blank pad and a pencil and move the pencil over the paper anyway you want ! If you like it - it's art !
comicdeath · 22-25, F
@MarmeeMarch Ah how encouraging.. That's true
MarmeeMarch · M
@comicdeath Its very true. You draw what you feel - not what somebody tells you do draw.
Temporallube · M
Come to our “December doodle a day” art thread. You might like our art there.
comicdeath · 22-25, F
@Temporallube Sounds lovely. Where? Although, unfortunately, I'm 100% sure that's not where I live
Temporallube · M
@comicdeath just put doodle a day in the search above. It’s an SW post on here
IndridCold · 46-50, M
You can learn for free online.
CrustyDDingus · 36-40, M

comicdeath · 22-25, F
@CrustyDDingus Ooh not bad
Temporallube · M
@CrustyDDingus nice 👍🏽 join us in december doodle a day, put it in the search above
Pfuzylogic · M
I agree.
I just finished a long story and it might look better illustrated.
I just finished a long story and it might look better illustrated.
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
Draw like me... I am born artist!