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english · 56-60, M
you should quit worrying about tacky remarks from the non judgmental people on here🤣 you need anyones validation once you staRT DOWN THAT ROAD ,you on a slippery slope when you do fall in love with someone and he with you trust make up will be the last thing on his mind ,true love and intimacy have nothing to do with looks or outfits ,its bond you share the surpasses all of that crap . i hope you find it 🤗
Morningstar45 · 36-40, M
@english English, these are wise words.
english · 56-60, M
@Morningstar45 cheers mate 🍻

Zaxel · 26-30, M
i wish girls would make less of a fuss about their looks and worked on their personalities more
lilangel · 26-30, F
I’m a very sweet girl in person. I work in customer service because I’m really nice. I’m also so sweet to everyone on this site. The comment insinuated sort of that I just worry about how I appear and If I do worry it’s because I have been made to feel bad about myself. Not because I put the most importance on how I look. I agree with your comment though. @Eternity
Eternity · 26-30, M
@lilangel yeah I get where you're coming from. I was just agreeing with the post not necessarily with the implication.

Trust me I'm not judging you or anyone. I'm not interested in humans like that.
lilangel · 26-30, F
I am always myself. 😊@ExperienceDLT
Yaz69 · 36-40, M
You are very beautiful without makeup.
lilangel · 26-30, F
Thank you my love. ❤️@Yaz69
XReaganX · 26-30, F
Anyone who gives you shit can screw off. Their opinions of you don't matter
lilangel · 26-30, F
Thank you babygirl. I love your words. I’ll live by them. 😘@XReaganX
th3r0n · 41-45, M
Not sure why filters make you feel better, you're way prettier without them
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@lilangel really? That was never my intention, I see you and think incredible beauty and near absolute perfection

Less with the filters, but still very beautiful

I never meant to refer to anything that would make you feel less
@lilangel dont feel bad about yourself you are beautiful
@th3r0n dude never rate a woman lol
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
You do still look beautiful without makeup or filters
lilangel · 26-30, F
Thank you. I just get tired of getting shitted on for my filters. 😅@Turtlepower
Turtlepower · 36-40, M
@lilangel Haha no worries. Most of us don't judge :)
You're beautiful no matter what!!
lilangel · 26-30, F
So are you. @DaveStevenson
@lilangel Thank you😍😙😗😚😘
Noreaster · F
You're gorgeous as you are
lilangel · 26-30, F
Thank you for that sweet comment. @Noreaster
bigboyshaun · 36-40, M
great picture❤️
lilangel · 26-30, F
Thank you angel@bigboyshaun
bigboyshaun · 36-40, M
@lilangel you are very welcome🌹
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
You’re ALWAYS beautiful. Even with no makeup. 😍
lilangel · 26-30, F
And you are always a sweetheart @SinlessOnslaught
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@lilangel ❤️
Quizzical · 46-50, M
Well, he should think that because, you are 🤷‍♂️
lilangel · 26-30, F
So is your face @Quizzical
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@lilangel /blushes 🤗
So pretty both pics, no makeup is necessary tbh! ☺️
lilangel · 26-30, F
That’s really sweet of you thank you 💓@NiightOwl
yw and I said it because I felt that, and meant it. Well SOme do need a lil makeup tbh when they want to go out i think but you're fine just as you are 😘 @lilangel
we both know you're not interested. ;p

But yeah you don't need it.
Justsomeguy65 · 51-55, M
Jeez. U don't need a filter.
lilangel · 26-30, F
Thank you angel. @Justsomeguy65
justanothername · 51-55, M
You look gorgeous and natural ❤️
chrisCA · M
Not too shabby.
lilangel · 26-30, F
Thank you ❤️@chrisCA
chrisCA · M
@lilangel You're welcome
yogibooboo · M
you look fabulous, as usual
justanothername · 51-55, M
You have noting to worry about :)
ExtremeNext · 31-35
lilangel · 26-30, F
Thanks babygirl. You’re always a gem to me. And I appreciate you.@ExtremeNext
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@lilangel I know I'm wonderful and you are welcome
You look fantastic.
lilangel · 26-30, F
Thank you :) I appreciate that @SW-User
Flawless skin.
lilangel · 26-30, F
And you have a flawless everything. @SW-User
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Gorgeous eyes.
lilangel · 26-30, F
That’s really nice. @Degbeme
You are beautiful and you dont need a filter or makeup and your bubbly personality makes you that much more adorable
Livingwell · 61-69, M
You are naturally beautiful. And perfect skin that women envy. Honest opinion. That one guy will be one lucky bastard for sure.
Jlhzfromep · M
You are a natural beauty. Your future (or present) partner will be a very lucky. Person
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
If a guy tells you you’re not beautiful, I’ll have a word with him!!
lilangel · 26-30, F
i’m sure someone will find something wrong with this picture and complain why i should feel bad about it lol. @Quimliqer
arthurca · M
You really don't need any makeup. You're very pretty.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
You look truly awesome without makeup. I love the second pic. 🤪😜
Carver · 31-35, F
No filters and I’m still falling for that nose. 🤷‍♀️
JavaJim · 61-69, M
Very pretty girl
You are so beautiful🥰
Whyme · 46-50, M
Barny52 · 56-60, M
still looking brilliant ,perfect to wake up next to xxx
acpguy · C
You look just fine to me without.
DenimJames · 51-55, M
You are beautiful with no make up on!
Mugin16 · 46-50, M
It is good to be beautiful,
It is good to be wise,
It is good always to strive to be better than you were yesterday.

Qui cessat esse melior
Cessat esse bonus

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