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I Am Struggling With Forgiveness

How to forgive if you can not forget? I could never get this one right.
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Forgiveness is understanding that we are highly flawed creatures. Like a couple others said we don't truly ever forget. We just move on because it's exhausting to stay so on guard.
booboo · M
it's not easy...repetition is the way that i do it. Each time incidents or people enter my mind, I openly say "I forgive you"..of course, feelings hardly ever go away the first time i say this, but eventually they do..just takes time
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Anything meaningful you will not forget. As far as forgiveness that is a personal thing. Whether I forgive or not I am not going to live in the past
Forgiving only means forgetting when's Jesus's behind it. When I forgive I don't see the need to forget, I just let it go and don't hold grudges
The only thing left in such cases it to try to see it in a different context.
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hunkalove · 61-69, M
She's your property, huh?
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And we can forget but not forgive. I find it a burden. Too much of that.
Wolfram · M
I once heard it said that women forgive but never forget while men never forgive but always forget
i forgive but never forget and i am a male XD
@BradBones2003: well... i am gay XD
walabby · M
By not forgiving you are punishing yourself for something that someone else has done. Always forgive, but never forget. If you forget, you might put yourself in the same situation again..
I have no idea i was born with a natural abilty that wont allow me to hold a grudge gets annoying some times xd
@BradBones2003: that's too much work. I'm already worrying about my part now i should worry about theirs too? Phew! 😅
@Pretty-Little-Liar: we in that case better lock in in your pocket.
@BradBones2003: Lol
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Always forgive, never forget.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@Pretty-Little-Liar: That's to remind you not to let it happen again.
ItsGonnaBeOk · 26-30, M
@hunkalove: not to let anyone close ever again
@TheNewMan: right!
The problem is if you don't forget you'll keep hurting
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
You dont forget, you just forgive and then focus on other things.

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