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I Believe In Free Will

I just read in the news that the Belgian parliament will vote this autumn a law that allows workers to give away some days of their holidays to colleagues in case they need free days to take care of sick relatives.

I can only applaud this initiative and wish it is approved. I support more voluntary initiatives, more relationships of any kind based of free will instead of the state regulating any detail in our existence.
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Cierzo · M
@Novembermoon. Agree that the way it is a good idea but must carefully put into practice.

What made me sad is that in the newspaper comments many people were negative towards it wondering what will happen if they give some of their days, but they do not get them when they need them. Seems like the trust in one another is totally broken.
novembermoon · 51-55
I think it is a good move provided it is not abused. So those who do not need their leave days come back to work for extra pay while those who need more days of leave go on these days without pay? Sounds fair to me.
Cierzo · M
@Doufy62. The Belgian law is similar, I think.
@EvilEmily It will be anonymous. You will not know which colleague sacrificed some holidays for you.
Cierzo · M
@Lemony. Agree. However, the comments were mostly negative. They said we cannot rely on collesgues' generosity and it's the state that should guarantee those extra free days if they are required.
I find it quite sad that we have come to a point that voluntary generosity is so in doubt.
That's a wonderful idea..
Doufy62 · 36-40, M
We can already in France for at least 2 years. But it's only for people to take care of their sick children.
EvilEmily · F
dont you think that will build up peer pressure if some of your colleagues give up their free days and you go on your holydays ?

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