I've realized that I'm becoming exactly the kind of person I didn't know I was capable of becoming
Experience has taught me to let go a little of principles and being overly attached to being a good person. It's just the way the world works. I am every bit and perhaps even more scheming, immoral and devoid of empathy than the people who made me this way.
Perhaps I shouldn't give them so much credit. Maybe I was this underneath, all along.
I don't necessarily feel bad about who I am or what I'm becoming. It's all about adapting. Humanity is overrated.
There's much to be learned from the worst people who have ever lived. They're completely devoid of morals, lack empathy and will do anything and everything to forward their own agenda. And they tend to win. That's what really matters in the end.
Religion and morality makes people weak, ignoring reality and forcing them to devote their lives to some fictitious, moralistic ideals, promising a reward in "heaven"- like some fairy tale. But it makes them suffer here
We often tell ourselves we're too nice, or too soft, to get ahead in life. But every civilisation, every glorious empire, every flourishing nation is built on the blood and skeletons of those whom it was necessary to eliminate- those, whose continued existence would make it impossible for that empire to exist.
In the end, it's all subjective. And the wicked tend to win. We should learn the most from those who we temporarily most despise- our enemies. For they have something to teach us.