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I Hate My Country

Last week a poor eight-year-old girls was savagely beaten by some older (12-13 year old) boys in Mallorca. Media informed profusely about it but did not give any information about the aggressors.

Now lots of informations have been appearing in the internet saying thst they are gypsies. They also say that the kid's mother is receiving threatening death calls telling her not to talk to the media any more.

It is always the same with the media here. If some aggressor/criminal is national/European/white, they always focus on that. If they belong to some minority (gypsies/Moroccans/Latinos), they try to head it.
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Picklebobble · 56-60, M
Can't always believe news reporting these days. Unfortunately !
With every story I read or hear I question where this information comes from.
Is it a factual story ?
Witness statements; police reporting ?
Or is it media machine looking to drum up sales or push a political point of view ??
Cierzo · M
I don't believe any information that comes from the internet.
But what can we do if mainstream media have become systhematic liars and manipulators whose only interest is to push some agenda? Should we remain blind and deaf?
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
Problem is too much media is owned by too few people !
And depending on their political or commercial leanings the 'news' is often reported in such a way as to reflect that.
There are certain reporters who are embedded in places like Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia or in parts of Africa and their reporting is or at least seems to be eye-witness led.
I listen to the BBC World Service for those.
novembermoon · 51-55
It sounds really biased and one-sided. It is happening everywhere. Those in charge do not want full blown riots to happen so they suppress information. All in the name of 'multicultural harmony'.

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