These days travellers using El Prat airport in Barcelona are taking up to four hours queues to go through security checks. Passengers missing their flights are not unfrequent. The reason? Employees are on strike
Also in Barcelona, leftist radicals vandalized the touristic city bus, and hotels have been attacked in Mallorca and Valencia. 'Tourism kills', those lunatics say
If this was a serious country, strikers and that radical scum would be taken to court and sentenced to pay huge fines or even sent to jail. But this is Banana Republic.
You make me learn new things every day. Googled the term 'banana republic' to know what it means. It is actually from a book Cabbages and Kings. Oh when will I ever find the time to read it?
I hope you don't get caught in a long queue when you fly. Don't want you to miss your plane.