I Am SkinnyI used to be. I used to want to gain weight since I though I was too skinny. They always said 'you'll gain weight when you least expect it". Now I'm gaining it uncontrollably. Damn sedentary job. Need to start working out. Summer is coming and I... See More »
I Am SkinnyI am so sick of the body shaming! Big small, thick, thin, chubby whatever! Just stop! I've been insulted and teased for being skinny. Other girls brag about their curves and big hips, ass and boobs. Guys took one look at me and said, "No thanks!" It... See More »
I Am SkinnyI'm a small size. But not overly small. Sometimes I'm okay with it. Sometimes I'm. Not. I don't like being skinny shamed. That happens a lot. I think too much shaming goes on for any size. I've been teased ever since elementary. Now that it's... See More »
I Am SkinnyI'm not one of those skinny people who could eat everything. I have such a small stomach; I barely eat anything and I'm full. It gets annoying when there's really good food and I want seconds and thirds of it, but can't because I'll explode >.<
I Am SkinnyI've always been skinny and it was difficult for me to gain weight and muscle. So even though I'm over the legal drinking age, vendors always question me and don't believe that I'm actually old enough. And it's like embarrassing too. One time I was... See More »
I Am Skinny"Thin" is a better than "skinny", but yeah, I've always been very thin (I'm 5'7" and around 117 lbs). I've been told I "need to gain weight" most of my life, but it's not like that's easy (and it's not like I even want to). #SkinnyPride