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I Am Having Family Problems

Postscript: Its been a while since I have posted due to illness.

The troubles are still ongoing.

Took a step back

Since my last story on this site I said I would take a step back regarding my family. Because of the unerring dramas it has caused when we have participated in family gatherings. I deliberately did not attend the annual visit my older sibling had planned.
I was invited by my mother (I said I would be there), then deliberately avoided the gathering.
To my sibling. Sorry you had to be caught in the cross-fire. The snub was not aimed at you. It was aim at my parents and my youngest sibling’s family.
Why? Because I noticed that whenever anyone came from abroad they would notify me at the last minute. They would seconde the person for whatever reason and disparage me and my family, before introducing me to them. Which means they had preconceived negative views against us before the meet us. Which often results in a stilted awkward first meetings until they got to know us.

This has become a habit to them. So, this time I decided to teach my parents and siblings a lesson. I did not attend the meet and greet sessions.
To the oldest sibling that visited. I know you did not enjoy your visit with the family. It was not as amicable as it had been in previous years.

You needed to see what is really going on in the family this side of the ocean. When I have posted my feelings in prior stories. Relatives made out that it was all my fault. With my absence you can see for yourself it was not me.
You returned to our parents’ home twice. And our mater insisted that I attended. Our step-pater also immediately said that my child should attend his gran as he was going out somewhere and did not want to leave her alone. I was told that I should pass the message onto him.

Every member of the family has stated that I am being mean to our parents and it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to help look after them.

To this I say, read my earlier stories. I did that throughout my childhood from 8 to 18 years old when I finally moved out. Our parents have five children. I am the middle one.
Everyone had significant help in their lives from our parents. I always got the dreg ends. When I wanted transportation. I had to ask a friend from work to guarantor me, so I could purchase one. Because my parent refused. They brought a car for the youngest sibling. (I am the middle one). When another sibling wished to purchase a house, they helped them. I purchased my own home WITHOUT ASSISTANCE. And when I had difficulties they did not help they told me to sell it. When I was going to purchase another property in the city they deliberately told the mortgagors on the telephone that I could not afford it. And ruined my chances of a purchase. By then I had already put down the deposit and paid for a survey to be conducted. On the house I purchased they told the rest of the family that my Aunt gave me the money.

I kept my mouth shut and ignored them.

Until the next sibling down from me co-herced my son, (by physically assaulting him) into signing documents that enabled them to embezzle my Endowment Premium. My son was so distressed he attempted to commit suicide as he felt he had let us his parents down. He was brutally beaten by my sibling that he landed in hospital. Because he attempted to stand up to him and retrieve what they had stolen off us.

And my parent (particularly my mother), defended my younger sibling. And said to my son ‘let it go.’ Tell me would you let over £33,000 go? I think not.

My son now suffers from anxiety and depression. He has lost his self-confidence as a result.

A month ago, it was his birthday. NOT ONE OF MY FAMILY MEMBERS sent him a birthday greeting or card until I rang them and placed it on Facebook. Not even his grandparents and he is the oldest grandchild.

With my son, having to go through what he did and his feelings of insecurity. How do you think I would react when they did that to him?

What appalled me the most, was within a week they were contacting me and berating me for not sending my youngest sibling a birthday card and reminding me of my young nephew (the youngest siblings child), upcoming birthday. They did not realise I had already sent them greetings.

So, to my oldest sibling. This is why, I did not attend. Because if there was any upsets in your visit to the Uk, is was not by me as I was not there to instigate it. And I am certain that they still tried to make you believe I was at fault.

Since then my telephone calls to them have been blocked. I had to contact another sibling (the next one up from me), to get them to telephone me to chat. I do not bring up any of the disagreement. I am now past that.

Our son is now our priority. As we his are parents have been diagnosed with terminal illnesses respectively. I have cancer my husband has a heart condition. We know that time is running out for us. And we are extremely worried as to what will happen to our son. As he is our only child. We always thought that we could rely on our family. But as this story clearly this shows we/he cannot.

In the meantime, the other sibling who embezzled our savings and physically assaulted our son is getting away with it. As I have been told by my parents to ‘let it go’.
The only reason I have acquiesced is because I do not want it to open up my sons wounds. He’s been through enough.

The younger sibling has told people that apparently his father gave me the money for the house that I purchased. This was DEFINITELY NOT THE CASE. I can show the paperwork. Apart from that their father (one of my mother’s ex’s), left our mater when I was just 13 years old. (I am now two years off the old UK’s pensionable age). To justify what he did to us.

My sibling also got their spouse to forge my signature and pretend they were me I order to obtain the monies.

My mater would rather side with them than with us who were robbed. As has she has said not to involve the police.

This is the reason dear older sibling why I did not visit.
It wasn’t because of you it’s because of them and their attitude.
I want no part of it anymore they are too toxic for me.
This was so hard to read. You have lived through it. You are very strong. I will keep you in my prayers.
Unity101 · 61-69, F
Mamapolo2016 · Thanks very much for your reply. It really encourages me. However, it's difficult because the mater in this is the one who is toxic. I have covered for her over the years saying its just mum. But my respect and loyalities now are with my son as he's been directly affected by what they have done to us.

As I said my husband and I greatest fear is if we should die tomorrow who would be there for him!
@Unity101 Yes. I understand. In my opinion, one of the greatest gifts parents can give a child is the memories of their strength and courage in the face of obstacles and disappointment. That, and love, of course.

Sounds like your son is wealthy in those respects.

Don’t underestimate him. He comes from strong stock.

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