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I Know Miracles Happen

Never Give Up!

Someone told me 30 years ago after the death of my two older children's dad: 'When in doubt f*#@ it'... So that's how I've lived my life for 30 years. Always starting things that brought positive things to my life, the lives of my children and the lives of others. But things would happen that brought grieving and sadness into my life.

My son passed away almost 11 years ago. I started a foundation to help the young succeed. Of course, because of my grieving, I gave control of it to someone I trusted, who made it a mockery, in my opinion. I've forgiven that person and myself.

Each time something happened that would try to knock me down, I found ways to get back up. This last time I didn't think I would get back up.

That's where my Faith came in and worked a miracle and would not let me give up. I never gave up the willingness or wanting to be positive and extending positive in my life or in the lives of others.

I'll keep wanting to see the good in humanity and in each person that enters the earth till the day I pass.

The opposition was there and is fading with each step I take to see my worth and the worth of every single human being.

We are the salt of the earth! Instead of seeing what's wrong with your life, take baby steps and see the good in yourself! One day a miracle will happen for you and perhaps you too will see the good in others and in the world!

It starts with the heart! The heart is the only thing that matters!

Thank You!

I Believe in Miracles!
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Degbeme · 70-79, M
You are a good soul with a big heart. Don`t lose faith. There are good people out there. :)
Such a positive attitude. :)
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Most people are not aware yet, that the collective conscious keeps us repeating old habits. When anyone is thinking negative we all feel it.

On the other hand, when one is thinking positive we all feel it as well... :D
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Thank you Degbeme.. I've seen it and continue to see it... A prayer of the heart!
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
It took a lot of work Pink... And it's a never ending story. :)

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