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I Will Complain Even Though Complaining Does't Help

I've been having this stupid stomach pain. I don't know where it came from or what is causing it. All I know is that it showed up out of nowhere and made me feel very weird. The first time I got it I felt all hot and sweaty but my skin was cold. I was on the floor shaking it hurt so bad. Instead of calling an ambulance I crawled over and snorted some K. The last time an ambulance came for me was for drug related reasons and I don't want anyone in my little area of the world to start suspecting anything. Slipping into a khole did make the pain stop.

It had come back later down the road. Again self medicated with K.

The worst was at a dinner. We had just got settled into the appetizer and it hit me. I screamed, calamari flew out of my mouth and there I went under the table in pain. Nobody thought I was being serious in fact they thought I did it for attention. I tried coming back up and when I did I sent a few wine glasses spilling because I pulled the table cloth too hard. Help me. Everyone had thought I went too far. In the past I've been known to pull stunts for attention. I ended up slithering away to the mens room to snort a vial. I had come back to disapproving stares. It wasn't a show it was serious!

It still comes and goes. If it was a person I would strangle it for sure.
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If your poop is black
Tell someone
Because it means you're buhhhleeding
Where ya shouldn't beeeeeee

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