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I Am Insecure Around Rich People

I Hate Their Stupid Ideologies... Example: "Well, whether I buy this 5th house or donate the money to charity doesn't make a blind bit of difference to how the world works, does it?"
Even buying a chocolate bar (an individual one as opposed to a multipack on special offer) changes the world. See, take Johnny, the boy who gets beaten up every other night as his drunken dad returns home. You try telling me that the 30p extra per day on chocolate you spent (30px5 working days a week = £1.50, over a month that's £6; 3 months is near as damnit £20) which facilitated getting someone in to sort it all out for him didn't make a difference to /his/ world. Then think about that house you want, and scale it up. That's a lot of people's worlds.

They just don't live in the same world as me, and I constantly feel like I don't fit in - my colleagues, my girlfriend, my mum and dad all do their own little tiny bit but it's not enough, to me. I can't stand it!!!!
DreamCoCreators · 36-40, M
OK, not quite sure where you're coming from with the "He throws his money around" thing, but ... I've figured things out and it all harks back to the same golden absolute truths.

You accept people for who they are. You can provide them with information, but you can impose nothing upon them that will last. People react to things in their own ways, and you either like them, love them, or the opposites. Either way we're all simply human, and all mistakes are possible by all people, given the right circumstances leading up to the event. So, live and love, do what you can, don't lose sight of the overwhelming simplicity of it all when delving into the depths as we have just done.

I appreciate everything you write to me, and every now and then I will look out for you and your stories. Not in return, but because you might well turn out to be the role model I was looking for (without realising it) amongst my very small world of rich folks who seem not to care much about anything.

DreamCoCreators · 36-40, M
I know you know :)
I'm going out now, too meet up with my gf after today's incident. I think I've gained something of an insight into the responsibility of accepting a gift, and into my own reaction to the offer of such a gift (earlier, not large but enough to tide me over a week or two). I freaked, saying there were plenty more who needed it more. Really, perhaps I was somewhat scared I would not use it responsibly, for something that mattered.
Maybe I was scared that with that gift, I would have become such a person, who had more than he needed but would not give.
Fear is not the way to go, but if you don't recognise it or notice it under its many guises... Now I know!! Thank you thank you thank you!! Your comments led me to this conclusion. Now I understand it was more inward than I ever would've thought.

Watch this space :D
DreamCoCreators · 36-40, M
Hey, thanks for your thoughts - they make sense, and I'm really glad you've found people who know what they stand for! I fit into the "middle" section right now - reason in the next sentence...
My insecurities they are, but they would be more under my control if I could only understand them...
You see, if people stopped dining in restaurants in order to help the homeless more, then ... there'd be more homeless. So I don't even understand my own thoughts and how they interact with the world around me.
Also when my girlfriend tries to buy me lunch at 10x the price I would normally pay, having just walked past a handful of people on cardboard boxes with sleeping bags *in the snow*... It's hard to see how that's under my control. Of course it partially is, but ... it's hard.
DreamCoCreators · 36-40, M
Hello you :)
Colleagues - £30-40k between a couple, boss has about £100k between him and wife. There's only 6 of us in the company.
Friends - own houses, brand new cars, etc.
Friends' parents - landlords or rich enough to be.
Girlfriend - can't say but not hugely - she's just incredibly lucky.
The example I gave at the top is arbitrary exaggeration :)

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