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Tvxhed · 41-45, M
We need dramatic change. You have a good view on things from my perspective and I have been espousing the same beliefs. We need to get some honest politicians which means we need honest rich folks (if that's not an oxymoron) to support and donate so they can become elected to public office. Then we can start to institute the change from within - the first steps are to alter campaigns into a merit and internet search based job application method; outlaw lobbyists and lobbying and start making some decisions for the greater good - not the profit of the 1%.

Burnley123 · 41-45, M
This is an excellent post. No idea why its been ignored.
dulcedona · 70-79, F
The story isn't receiving the attention it deserves because the author neglected to insert the word 'sex' in the title. That said, i agree in general with the author.
I heard him interviewed on the radio. A very compelling argument
thatscottishguy · 26-30, M
👏 very true

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