I Have Respect For All Those Who Earn It
I don't see why my mom has made a big deal about this but we've had this argument forever. There are people that live in my neighbourhood that have been nothing but trouble for our family. They are huge gossipers and a few in particular have made me extremely upset. I decided I would not speak to them. I don't see the point of speaking to someone who will try to be in my life to know what they should gossip about tomorrow. My mom feels I'm being rude but these people have made sure our family is unhappy and uncomfortable. I asked her how she can go to people who have hurt her children and her and act like their friends. I feel I do not owe them anything but my mom seems embarrassed by how "rude" I am. If I do not need to speak to them I won't, and when they address me I answer but only what needs to be said. Honestly i expressed that these people have hurt me growing up and I wish I was strong enough and taught that it's okay to not ACT like you like people for them but stay away from them for yourself. I also expressed that for her other children keeping them away is better for them. Growing up with people who acted as if they cared for you and then going behind your back after is not healthy. I believe for her she wants me to knock myself down for her pride. She fears people thinking I'm rude... I don't care.