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One of my greatest desires

Is to find another soul(s), similar to my own. I am considered very alternative (to put it mildly) by all those around me, and have not yet found even one person who has the perception and viewpoints that I do. At least, no one outside of certain figures in history and fiction, that is.

I seek to find the group I believe does exist somewhere, where my mindset and outlandish beliefs and ways of doing things will be understood and welcomed.

I have always kept the hope that in due time I will cross paths with these likeminded individuals, and they will help me fulfill my destiny and desires alike.
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Loretta78 · 46-50, F
I understand you so well.
I have found my soulmate years ago on EP. We were 6 years together.
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart that one day you will find THE soul, similar to your own, too ❤️
I could have written this post.

Finding just one soul as similar to my own as I would like - someone with the "perception and viewpoints that I do" - seems unlikely. Or, at least, rare.

Would you be willing to share some of your perceptions and viewpoints with me? I'm willing to share mine with you.
JoBlak · M
Don't ever change to suit others and never give in looking; I know what you qre going through and it is worth it in the long run.
AKLRising · 31-35, F
@JoBlak Thank you. I agree, and I will not. 🥰
Where/How do you share your thoughts?
@AKLRising That's good to start a youtube channel.

I just want to say, we need to share our thought to know if someone shares the same thoughts. As you said..

have not yet found even one person who has the perception and viewpoints that I do
AKLRising · 31-35, F
@ABCDEF7 Oh, I understand what you meant now. In that case I converse with people and to be honest every thing a person says and does can tell you about how they live and what they think, how a person conducts themselves, their body language, can say alot.

It does not take long for me to determine if a person shares my perspectives. I have never met another human who even comes close, sadly.
@AKLRising Best Wishes 🙂

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