bcvegas4u · 70-79, M
I wished I had a sister or brother as I was growing up. I did have an older brother by 10 years, who left me and went into the Military, when he turned 17, to get away from our fighting parents. He apologized later for doing that, but still, he left be all alone with them.
I have enough of those. I now wish I was the only child. 😫
destinyfabulous · 36-40, F
@umile18, missingnotes...Actually I do have an older sister, but I'd like someone who I can confide in and just be there for me and vice versa. She's like a parent to me

Well when you're a kid, age gaps are amplified. The older you get the less they mean. My sister is 3 years older than me. At 13 and 16 it seemed like a lot but now at 26 and 29 that's almost nothing. You girls should try to find a common ground, like hang out and do things together every now and then.

I have two sisters ✌🏼We still fight a lot. Lol
destinyfabulous · 36-40, F
Our lives are very different right now. She has two children and a family to take care of. Besides that, our schedules are very different n she judges me little too much. I'd rather another plz.. Lon. Otherwise we have a good relationship
cdlookinforsoulmate · 31-35, M
I wish i had a brother
destinyfabulous · 36-40, F
She's a year older than me. We don't have much in common

Wow just a year and she's like a parent? Why?

Is she much older than you?
destinyfabulous · 36-40, F
I don't know. She's just different. I remember when I started shaving my legs as a teenager, she asked me why am I doing that? I'm not sure if she's like because she's the eldest.