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I Like To Think About Life And Big Questions

Have you ever heard of existential depression? “Existential depression arises when an individual confronts certain basic issues of existence.” “Yalom (1980) describes four such issues (or ‘ultimate concerns’) – death, freedom, isolation and meaninglessness.” When I started reading into this I felt like I was opening the door to something new but also familiar. I have had deep thoughts since I was a child that brought me great distress, even panic attacks, which made my family think I was crazy.

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" (Kris Kristofferson). This was part of a song on the Pearl album by Janis Joplin. But to me, it is another thought to the question 'What is freedom?'. Are we really free? I think about a scale and how you can cause it to shift left or right or keep it centered/balanced. We weigh the pros and cons of decisions quite frequently in life. That's freedom of choice isn't it? Or is freedom more about less government interference? Then there are consequences to consider as well. If somebody holds a gun to your head and tells you to do something, by choosing to live and obeying their demand, are you free in choosing life over death? You could choose to not obey and die in the process. "Freedom, in an existential sense, refers to the absence of external structure. That is, humans do not enter a world which is inherently structured. We must give the world a structure which we ourselves create."

“Isolation recognizes that no matter how close we become to another person, a gap always remains, and we are nonetheless alone."

Thinking about Yalom's issue of death will cause you to ponder meaninglessness at the same time, or will at least lead you into it. I've wondered why we bother to do the things we do if we just die anyway. A response I came back with was that we want to live. I tried to kill myself when I was 16 and regretted it. Obviously something ties me to this world and it is something inside me. I just don't know what it is. So I go round and round on this thought. I feel the need to be productive, to do things that others find useful. I like to play Minecraft sometimes but start to feel like I am not being productive and get depressed; it feels meaningless. My therapist asked me "Do you enjoy it?" and I replied yes. He said that's productive in and of itself.

“Meaninglessness stems from the first three. If we must die, if we construct our own world, and if each of us is ultimately alone, then what meaning does life have?"

Gifted, Sensitive, In Need Of Meaning: Existential Depression Douglas Eby.
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Wow I did take the time to read this and I was completely mind blown to how this exactly describes my pain of existenal depression, and I had several attempts at ending my life and two occasions were only last year. Some occasions I thought I was too chicken shit to finish myself properly, but it's like a force of this earth keeps telling me to hold on, but the reason is hidden.
lovebutterflyangel · 31-35, F
@SW-User I think that our mental health system needs revamping. A lot of people are diagnosed as having depression but what kind of depression? What causes that person to become depressed? Address the underlying issue rather than just giving us pills. I'm glad this entry could help you in some way. :)
@lovebutterflyangel in all against the med stuff as from experience when I was a lot younger, they did more harm than good for my sense of wellbeing, seroquel was some sick toxic stuff. I did slip into illicit substance addiction for periods of time in my life as a coping mechanism, "self medicating" as some would say. But a lot of my depression over the years evolved from bad memories.
lovebutterflyangel · 31-35, F
Even with medication, you still have to put in effort to get better. When you ignore your problems and do things like self-medicate or dissociate, you open yourself up to problems in the future where things try to surface. I get triggered a lot into fits of anger to ignore the feelings I don't want to admit to. I also haven't always been able to deal with my issues due to being silenced, etc. One of my doctors put me on zyprexa which turned me into a zombie; they've put me on many others as well. I don't think we should put these drugs in our bodies the way we do. I felt like a guinea pig.

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