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I Am Happiest When It's Sunny

Sunshine And Cool Weather, I'm Happy...i'm Sad... Fall in Oklahoma is my favorite time of the year. The only time the weather is predictable here is in August which is certainly always drought conditions. Depending on the year this lasts through September. But now! Yes now! Fall is here. There's a crisp chill in the air. It smells clean and fresh. I'm not sure How much beautiful fall foliage there will be considering all the trees in my backyard have lost all the leaves due to high winds and 100 degree tempsIn July. However. It's a wonderful relief after becoming accustomed to sweating everywhere each time you step outside to finally open up the door to feel the cool fresh air first thing in the morning. Its Refreshening,it wakes me up. It makes me want to put on my running gear right away and head outside to watch the sunrise. Sunlight first thing in the morning sets my brain, acclimates me to when to be awake and when to be asleep. I will have the greatest night sleep tonight because of the sun. I'm low on vitamin d, I take a supplement but I much prefer to have actual sunlight. Sunshine is the best when it's cool outside. After being trapped inside all of august and most of september, the cool weather brings everyone outside. In my old neighborhood there were a lot of kids. They would play in the cul-de-sac. Many times they would end up in my driveway because we had a basketball goal. My son and his buddies would almost every night sit in the back of his sisters F150. No one went in until the street light came on. Then sometimes we'd all stay out anyways. Fall in Oklahoma is the perfect time of the year. Or it use to be anyways. I am so happy but I am so sad. But this was a story about sunshine. I am happy and sunshiney...not rain.

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