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I Am Looking For Friends

Hey there everyone! New time SW user here looking for online friends. A little bit about me: I'm a 33 year young man attempting to make his way through this crazy journey we call life. I'm an avid gamer, both P.C and console, however mostly a console gamer as I love my PS4.

I'm also a budding writer. I would love to get a book published professionally one day. It's quite a difficult challenge. Going toe-to-toe against the blank page is by no means an easy task. It stinks because I have all these great ideas for stories in my head, but my spelling and grammar aren't the greatest. Writing's always been a real passion of mine but real life got in the way but recently the yearn to scrawl has resurfaced.

I'm also currently looking for a new day job and somewhat facing a crossroads of sorts. I'd like to find a new professional career in the meantime to pay the bills while I work on my writing skills. Unfortunately that too is no easy task as I currently live in a quiet country-bumpkin-esque town.

Life certainly has its challenges for me but I'm still ready to face them as they come. It's not easy to bare the burdens of life but I'm looking for companions to lighten the load so-to-speak.

If anyone thinks they have any of this in common with me feel free to hit me up with a friend invite. I'm always up to shoot the breeze when ever I'm online.
Top | New | Old
Bubbles · 36-40, F
Hi there, welcome to SW. I hope you can find every thing that you are looking for here :)
dabadcop · 36-40, M
@Bubbles Thanks!
Welcome! Keep an open mind and enjoy the ride
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
U meanZ u is unempleoyeDz?
dabadcop · 36-40, M
@DonaldTrumpet Negative. Fully employed currently. Just looking for a new job as I'm sick of my current one.
DonaldTrumpet · 70-79, M
@dabadcop MakeZ MericaZ GreaTZ AgaINz

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