I Am A Maker
Makers are people who design and build the coolest of technologies. They're what you get when you cross STEM and Liberal Arts. They're what you get when you cross creative and scientific genius. It is the makers that innovate and invent new technology. They don't simply tweak what's new. They don't take something, and change it like how Microsoft changed Windows 8 and Windows 10. They take something boring, and make something awesome out of it. Boring old car? Nope, how about a car that jumps rope, or one that can roll head over heels and be perfectly fine? Makers are that special breed of engineer that form the scaffolding of the future. They're what the future is ba<x>sed of of. Makers are that mix of geek, nerd, creativity, art, and awesome that everybody, regardless of what they're into, loves.
I'm a maker, and making is my passion!
I'm a maker, and making is my passion!