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I Think Opposites Really Do Attract

I went to school recently and my professor got along very well with me on the first day, what he does not know is that on my second day I already ruled out we are not bros doesn’t matter how well our professional relationship gets. Based on his way he perceive me we are going to make good team mates if we were going to be two different teachers in the same building teaching because we are too much the same and share common grounds which is a big myth that isn’t true. We share Same personality types, work ethics and in our deep dark distant past we are both major depressives, what we are not the same on is the fact that he sees a piece of himself in me as a student. He thinks we would be good friends and I actually like working for him because he’s just as demanding as I am (which he never knows that about me) and the motivation that I do well in my papers. From experience I don’t get well with people too much same as me that in itself causes conflicts. I wouldn’t be surprised if we were good friends for 13 years we would be biting each other’s face off that would likely be the reality. Both of us are productive fastpaced workers that likes to get tasks done fast and very competitive at times don’t like waiting. What he does not know is there’s a huge difference between me and him, I process a opposite trait that seems ideal to him out of all our similarities. Years ago I’ve been committed to train myself to act more unproductive and deflated when I’m confronted with someone that shares allot in common with me which is not a trait I naturally. Now it comes automatically when I see someone like me approach me. If on that first day I am not acting sluggish and deflated chances he’ll dismiss me as a threat on the same level as him and won’t budge what he sees is the thin crust that’s so appealing it makes the boring core nice also. Just that one trait stands out he sees my other similarities as asset to friendship as common grounds
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trackboy · 26-30, M
you dont want to be friends with him even though he does??
trackboy · 26-30, M
@ISMELLPROTEINPOWDER you could enjoy lifting weights with him. what does he think of your progress with weightlifting??? 🏋
@trackboy he is often busy with work in school
trackboy · 26-30, M
@ISMELLPROTEINPOWDER wow he is often busy. why do you smel protean powder? do you use creatine for more muscle gains in weightlifting?? 💪

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