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I Have Pcos

one of my cysts ruptured and i want to die. pain is so annoying.
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Serenitree · F
I had a friend who developed a cyst on her ovary when she was only 11 years old. I had spent the weekend at her place and on Sunday she was complaining of pain but not bad. By Monday morning she was in such severe pain she was going into shock. They called an ambulance to take her to hospital. The docs said she may lose the ovary because the cyst was larger than the ovary. But she didn't lose it, and she was okay after they did whatever it was they did for her.

I hope you feel better soon.

Dec. 3/16
4:46 am
LachrymoseLamer · 51-55, M
Can you take something for the pain?
i did, now i have to wait it out lol
LachrymoseLamer · 51-55, M
@Aiyana: Poor thing. :(
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
I'm very sorry to read that Aiyana. My ex girlfriend and my sister had Pcos and it was horrible to see how much they suffered. :-(
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Please consider using colloidal silver solution both topically and internally. Unless you use it in huge quantities over a long period of time, it can't hurt and it might help. It fights every kind of infection and it works fast.

Essiac tea is also something that might help drunk daily for a month or two.

Hope you feel better soon!
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i'm fine it just hurts. it's just a thing that happens. i mean technically it could kill me but not this time
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partially, yeah. i did.
Peaceful · F
Will a heating pad help? I'm sorry you're in pain.
probably. I have a hot water bottle but I'm too stubborn to get out of bed and go downstairs.
Peaceful · F
@Aiyana: I know the feeling. Hope you start feeling better soon.

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