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I Think Noise Pollution Can Drive a Person Crazy

I'm so sick of it, I just want to get away. The loudest television in the house is on 24/7. It is never turned off. It's not my TV and not my house so I don't have any power to change it. (Not to mention all the nasty bodily noises our roommate makes. It's constant farting, belching, coughing, hacking up phlegm, and spitting.)
Then my fiance get home and turns on his TV in our room. Then my daughter gets home and wants to watch her cartoons or my fiance wants to play Call of Duty. Meanwhile his TV is still on in the bedroom.
Then I live at the end of basically a small but very busy airport runway.
We also live close to the interstate highway.
There are many noises I can totally deal with. I'm okay with the airport and interstate highway. It's all the noise coming from the TV I don't like. It has gunshots, screams, crying, yelling, shouting, and everything else. I can hear it right now as I write this. It almost reminds of this vacation to Disney World. I remember being in the pool and when you went under water you could hear Disney music playing from underwater speakers.
When we can finally afford to move out I will only allow 1 TV in the house. I don't understand why people can't watch just the shows they like. Why does it have to be constant background noise filling everyone's head? Why don't they like things quiet every now and then? Is because they would be alone with their own thoughts? Is that such a bad thing?
Noise pollution is the enemy of relaxation. I grew up in a similar household with lots of people an the TV constantly on, so I know how that goes. Luckily I lived in the middle of the desert and not near an airport so I could go outside an lay under a tree an listen to the birds and wind chimes. Honestly, the only background noise I can really handle is the sound of wind chimes.

Not everyone is introspective. Some people cannot handle silence.
morrgin · F
I have wind chimes. I didn't realize if I tried to listen for them I could hear them.
It's cold and rainy but maybe I should go camping.
The only neighbors we have in the area we go camping is usually clear across the lake.
One time last year we went as a group with another friend camping and it was horrible. He brought a DVD player, big screen TV, and a large generator. We turned the generator off in the middle of the night. He asked in the morning why he didn't hear it. We told him we used it as an anchor for our boat. We don't go camping with him anymore.

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