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Kerennya · 56-60, F
Would you be willing to tell a little bit about what the different elements in your drawing represent? Or if they don't really represent anything, maybe just the story of how your personal muse inspired you? Is it supposed to be a self-portrait in any way?
SolitaryFriend · 41-45, M
Sure. The drawing as a whole is looking to touch on the idea of there being a different world beyond the one we can see with our own two eyes.
The central character is meditating, which doesn't necessarily represent me and could be anyone really, showing the chakras in the body with light pouring through the vessel which is the body. There's a spiritual energy connecting into the Earth, then there's this idea of a shell around us that opens up to a world where our spirit is more at home in. It was created when I was more into spirituality than I am now. My muse was my girlfriend at the time who heavily influenced what I came to believe and inspired me to be creative and explore ideas around the subject.
The central character is meditating, which doesn't necessarily represent me and could be anyone really, showing the chakras in the body with light pouring through the vessel which is the body. There's a spiritual energy connecting into the Earth, then there's this idea of a shell around us that opens up to a world where our spirit is more at home in. It was created when I was more into spirituality than I am now. My muse was my girlfriend at the time who heavily influenced what I came to believe and inspired me to be creative and explore ideas around the subject.