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I Believe In Free Speech, Even If I Don't Like The Message

I don't normally make political posts but I just had a discussion with a friend about banning hate speech and that really made me think about how serious of an issue it is for people who do want to ban hate speech. Do they not realize that in banning hate speech, they're giving up their own rights to free speech as much as those they want to silence? What happened to "sticks and bones may break my bones but words can never hurt me"? I think those who want to restrict the freedom of others just so they can feel more comfortable are the ones who deserve it the least.
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nobody thinks that far ahead. or they just want the limits to apply to things they support and want it not to apply to the things they dislike.
xixgun · M
Freedom of speech was never intended to protect the words we like to hear, but rather those we don't.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
Hate speech deserves to be banned. If you think sticks and stones is just some harmless rhyme, then you never experienced it, or even severe verbal abuse by a parent and siblings, as well as extended family, while growing up.
@NativeOregonian In that case, those are actions. We can't ban all hate speech just because some who use it also commit violent acts. When it stops being hate speech and becomes hate crimes, that's when it becomes serious.
NativeOregonian · 51-55
@PerchingDove Too many hate speeches have instigated hate crimes and thus should be banned.
@NativeOregonian I don’t agree. There’s an easier way to deal with that doesn’t involve banning free speech.
I'm fine with the existence of hate crime legislation, but I don't think speech alone should be banned if it isn't directly threatening or harassing someone.
gregloa · 61-69, M
Here here!!!
daisymay · 51-55, T
@gregloa I think you mean "hear, hear!" You're welcome. Tuition payment is due by the end of the month for your continuing education.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
I wish it was possible to ban stupid.

Obviously, I'm being snarky. But, the issue with hate speech is that many stupid people use it as a call to action and it gets fuzzy.

With that, this is a good post. Thanks.
daisymay · 51-55, T
"All bitches using Tulips for their screen names are evildoers who must be exterminated."

Now, remember, when someone is murdering you, don't complain, okay?
daisymay · 51-55, T
You didn’t need to say it, it’s obvious.

Uh-huh. Do you know the next winning powerball numbers, too?

You can’t argue against my point

Wrong. You can't argue against the point that using "air quotes" is a way to express something that you wouldn't say as a hypothetical response to someone's ridiculous assertions.

you feel free to go fuck yourself

How original! 🙄
@daisymay “How about you act your age and try being civil? You’re old enough to be my parent but you’re acting like a dumb, bratty teenager. Grow up already!”

Just a hypothetical response someone could say to you, not what I’m directing toward you.
daisymay · 51-55, T
@PerchingDove Funny you should bring up someone being civil in a post lauding hate speech.

Watch as I correctly process your hypothetical statement.

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