Laughman · 46-50, M
You need to get creative. I'm at my desk most days and yep it gets boring. But what I do is download movie scripts from the internet and paste them into a word doc. You can sit there and watch(read) a movie and everyone things your are reviewing an important document.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Yes. This week im am over swamped. People are on holidays. Wish me luck! Lol
Montanaman · M
You should seek a career that you're passionate about. It's not easy, but those who love their job, and look forward to work, have happier fulfilling lives. (Acting, music, professional sports, nature and outdoors.
Photography, writing. Just some examples.
Photography, writing. Just some examples.
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bikelover · 56-60, M
I feel your pain
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
Sometimes you find work that doesn’t make you feel that way. You get up looking forward to going to work. You enjoy what you do and the people you do it with.
😠 You were not supposed to steal my thoughts.
But now that you have already publicized them, just ensure to wake up early, shower n go to bed again so that you are not late to work.
Keep no plan B.
The end.
But now that you have already publicized them, just ensure to wake up early, shower n go to bed again so that you are not late to work.
Keep no plan B.
The end.

I get that, I'm at the other end of the 30 years. It doesn't get any easier.
CharlesRomsey · 61-69, M
Let's imagine that a rich relative popped their clogs and left you a shedload of dosh so that you don't have to work again.
What would you do?
What would you do?
helsbels · 31-35, F
@CharlesRomsey Money doesn't buy happiness, it just makes your misery more comfortable 😂
I would go out more... walking, day trips. Go to the sea, the countryside. Eat out at new and different places for brunch / lunch during the day. Maybe get fitter / lose weight. Or on the othrr hand maybe the opposite, sit around at home watching Netflix and getting fatter 😆 That's what happened in lockdown.
I would go out more... walking, day trips. Go to the sea, the countryside. Eat out at new and different places for brunch / lunch during the day. Maybe get fitter / lose weight. Or on the othrr hand maybe the opposite, sit around at home watching Netflix and getting fatter 😆 That's what happened in lockdown.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I know the feeling.
I only have 9 more years of it. I cannot wait for it to end.
I only have 9 more years of it. I cannot wait for it to end.
SomeMichGuy · M
What do you do?
Is it that your work is not engaging ir challenging?
Is it that your work is not engaging ir challenging?
lovingdead · 31-35, M
What do you do, what would you rather do?
BridgeOvertroubledWaters · 61-69, M
Oh wow , I know that feeling so well
Selah ·
I feel you.
rrraksamam · 31-35, M
This is what the world has to offer. A most important years of one's life are spent slaving away to serve others.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I hear you

i feel that way i hate working thats why i'm thinking about getting a work from home job maybe i will like that more
I have 6 weeks off 😌
Montanaman · M
@V00doo 👍🌹😎4 weeks off for me.🥂🍻🍹
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OldBrit · 61-69, M
The job rat race is sadly for most the inevitable need to live sufficiently well in our consumerist society.
Treat it as a means to an end if you can.
Treat it as a means to an end if you can.