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HeatherFlorida · 36-40, F
Thanks for posting, and it's good to see you back on here. For everyone else reading this, NO, I'm not THE Heather mentioned in this post. But we do have a lot in common. It's nice to see a fellow sufferer being open and honest about the condition.
HeatherBeck · 36-40, F
@HeatherFlorida Hey, for what it's worth (I wish I could just gift you a subscription!), you can sign up and cancel before the end of the month, and you won't get charged. I don't do "early charging" on my Patreon, and I promise no hard feelings if you take your time and cancel so you don't get charged. :)
veeceekay1991 · 31-35, F
@HeatherBeck Don't promise that freeloader anything, let her pull her weight like the rest of us prols! Girl's gotta make a living, after all! 🙂
HeatherBeck · 36-40, F
@veeceekay1991 Haha! I will say it beats my day job, right?

HeatherBeck · 36-40, F
Hey, all!

Thank you so much, @veeceekay1991 . That's really nice of you to say, and I really consider it an honour that you took the time to really comment of what I've been putting on my Patreon (and Instagram, but yeah, the Patreon is where I go when I get long winded...).

Thanks, also, for pointing out that this community exists. I've been stalking for a few hours now, and I see there a few women with similar circumstances. I hope to meet some of you, and would love to chat.

Anyway, be well. :)
Xicsukin · M
Heather is awesome and often pokes fun at her own size. Genuinely a fun/nice person and I wish her all the best with her patreon.

You thinking of doing a similar thing? I'm pretty sure many people would be interested in following a day in the life of veeceekay :)
HeatherBeck · 36-40, F
@Xicsukin Hey, thanks for saying that. :)
Xicsukin · M
@HeatherBeck Holy moly! didn't expect you to be on here, A very nice surprise!
veeceekay1991 · 31-35, F
@Xicsukin Ask and you shall receive (sometimes).
loomer · 51-55, M
I am so happy for you girls.. that you have found yourselves a support group made of of other woman, suffering from this terrible affliction. please, accept my sincere support, and best wishes, and if there is anything I can do to help? well do not hesitate to ask.
Gamalon · 31-35, M
“It really is a case of "life intrudes" and I have been so incredibly busy the past few years with first, school, and now, work.”

No need to worry. “Busy-ness” can be a good thing: Keeping active and positive. Is everything good on your end of things?
FuzeBar · 26-30, M
Been following her for days! As an aside, is your blog still out there by chance?
FuzeBar · 26-30, M
@veeceekay1991 Yeah the dinosaurs got hit pretty hard when LiveJournal went down. I hear that the pandas are just barely staying afloat now ever since geoCities closed too.. lol :p That's a shame though! It's something I definitely would be interested in reading :) Have you ever read Tina Small's autobiography?
veeceekay1991 · 31-35, F
@FuzeBar Well, the shitty thing about the whole affair is that I saved all my stories on a computer file which I now cannot locate (and they were pretty good stories too--most of them, at least).

Yes, for macro women, Tina is like our matron saint and "Big Girls Don't Cry" is like sacred scripture. Heather Beck addressed that on her blog. We bow down to Tina and utter unintelligible, but devout words to her memory.
FuzeBar · 26-30, M
@veeceekay1991 Hahaha right on. Yeah that was a compelling read. I like the sound of this religion. Need to find a local chapter haha :p Shame about the stories though.. I'd love to hear any of them, if you get the time and inclination! Also, I wish I had seen this reply sooner but I got no notification, email or otherwise, so I apologize for the late reply Dx
Danny2591 · 31-35, M
First of all, welcome back, Ronnie! 2nd of all. Nice move to help this woman out here.^^

Btw, something else, did you have a nice easter?^^
Justsomeguy65 · 51-55, M
I follow her on instagram and Patreon,..she is very interesting and off beat.
HeatherBeck · 36-40, F
@Justsomeguy65 I actually do like being referred to as off beat, so it's cool. :-P And thanks. :-)
Justsomeguy65 · 51-55, M
@HeatherBeck It was meant to be a compliment, as in singular and special! 😘
DanteD · 51-55, M
@HeatherBeck check your inbox
II know you remember me. I have gynecomastia. I'm a 50D now. No problems with it. I can buy bras off the rack, too!
Winning1543 · 46-50, M
Could to talk to you sometime message you earlier but never had a response
sjones123 · 51-55, M
Hey if you have some free time, let's chat. I promise I don't bite.
496sbc · 36-40, M
wow. i hope there is something they can do for u Veeceekay ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
wuiop2 · 41-45
Oddly, I stumbled across her profile just before reading this post...
Winning1543 · 46-50, M
Like to talk to you about this okay message back
I love it. Busty women helping out each other.
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
She is truly beautiful.
Elegy · 46-50
Patreon huh? 🤔

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