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SteveRogers · 26-30, M
You look like Kim kardashian wow

Stark Best Comment
Nope. As soon as I find out or realize that they are not over their past relationship that would be the end of any romantical interaction with us. It's happened recently actually, I caught on to it fairly quick and thankfully nothing too seriously evolved. 🙂 I'm very cautious when it comes to being romantic with someone, I take my time and don't rush because I like to know what I'm dealing with before I get my feelings involved. So, we're still friends and I even gave him some advice on what he should do.

Being a rebound or a second choice is just setting yourself up for heartbreak. The love isn't genuine and on most occasions once they get past the rebound stage they probably will lose interest anyway.

summersong · F
@Stark so very wise ❤
summersong · F
@Stark 🤗
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
NEVER good to be the rebound love.
Splendida · 51-55, F
I agree. Not a fair situation.@GJOFJ3
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
@Splendida just about never work out.
No, life is too short for that.
USER42 · M
If your even considering being second your already showing your unconfident... which is boring and unattractive
USER42 · M
What's worse then cold an heartless?
Splendida · 51-55, F
@USER42 right? You're what the settled for.
Splendida · 51-55, F
@USER42 agreed.
summersong · F
Did that once and it was really not healthy for me.
summersong · F
@Splendida it's brutal
@Splendida beautiful way to word it.
@summersong I'm sorry you had to go through that love. You deserve so much more 🙁
nakedguyVII · 61-69, M
I stupidly did that with a woman who was on the last days of her marriage. She filed for divorce finally and also told me she was done with me as well. But she Thanked me :)
Splendida · 51-55, F
@nakedguyVII karma owes you, then..
No, that's a recipe for heartache.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Could actually work well for a quick hook up, but not for a real relationship.
jpiper5 · M
Depends on what you mean by "get." If you mean a actual relationship, then maybe not. If you mean casual dating, that's still a little tricky but not too bad.
Splendida · 51-55, F
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Yes, I'm a loser that way
SteelHands · 61-69, M
2 ways to see it. You make them forget the other or you ain't so together yerself. Yeah I did, Fall forward. Screw the past.
Idk :/ its not a fun place to be..
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
No way. Let them heal

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