lindabo · 36-40, T
most people have a problem with me being a cross dresser

WildHeart · 41-45, F
I have many but I am in control of them all.
yeah limited blocking and unlimited annoyances here
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
duuuur 😀
Yes, a lot of them.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
No I don't, yo.

99 problems
Serenitree · F
You mean besides the chronic sinusitis, hearing loss, over-weight, fat fingers, lazy ass, acid reflux, eczema, asocial lifestyle, fear of loss, neurosis, psychosis, clinical depression (got that under control, finally) nightly nightmares, demodex folliculorum, dry eye syndrome?
Nope. Not a one. My life is perfect. I'm a very happy camper. Just read my stories. You'll see.
Mar. 12/17
2:38 pm
Nope. Not a one. My life is perfect. I'm a very happy camper. Just read my stories. You'll see.
Mar. 12/17
2:38 pm
taintedprincess · 46-50, F a problem with it?
brokensignal · 46-50, M
Everybody has problems. Those who pretend they don't are either lying or oblivious.