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EngelskSwede · 31-35, F
My soulmate is vodka

there are people we connect with, but not just one and not just romantically
Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
I think they dont have to be romantic but usually are.. i think you can have a soulmate friend who you are so in tune with.. and a soulmate lover/love as in romantic..

I really dont know if you only get one.. I only had one.. i had people iloved.. i had people who may have become special in time.. but i dont think anyone came close to that soulmate connnection.
I think there's only one. Kind of like how there's only one you, there's only one person who would be better for you than anyone else. Odds of finding them are next to none so it's possible to find many people who are good enough to be a soulmate. Even if they aren't that one unknown person out there would could do it slightly better, they don't have to be. Part of love, especially the deep kind, involves learning to love flaws or imperfections in people. In that way, they can become a soulmate with time. Once that status is achieved, the details don't matter. Someone else could be better, it wouldn't make a difference. At that point, you love whomever you do deeply enough to overcome anything else. So I believe you can make a soulmate that's better than the perfect potential you had in that one stranger you never met.
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
No I don't believe in fairytales.
saves the disappointment when life doesn't match the dream
SoulAsylum · 31-35, M
@Kuronekko: exactly, I'm all about being realistic.
@SoulAsylum: much safer.
I don't believe in souls so yeah.
Like you've been through enough shit together that it bonds you?
Yeah that happens I guess.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
You two seriously need to meet. Just saying.😋
@NigelDoes: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Yes I do and well I believe you can find an unlikely soulmate and friend in anyone but they're far and few between. I think there is more than one person for most people.
I believe in the concept of one having a soulmate though I'm not sure if we have a minimum or maximum or even what form that soulmate comes in.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Yes I do, cause I'm fucking stupid and a dreamer. For me, they have to be romantic.
I don't think that's stupid. I think that sometimes things happen in ways we can't explain.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Yeah, I agree. It's just extremely disillusioning to believe in your heart that you've found your soulmate, only to discover that you didn't.
walabby · 61-69, M
I believe there are a quite a few but some are better than others... With a good one you will grow together as you get older..
Of course, hope i find mines one day.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I dont believe in that. I believe that there are better ones and worse ones... there are several ones, but you have to stay loyal even if you find someone else. Its important with loyalty.
Immenselydist · 31-35, M
Yep I believed in this shit before but now I don't give a shit
Just one?
I hope not.

Not only romantic, in friendship too.
It's possible to live without it being a romantic or sexual love.
No, and no. I guess I don't believe in the concept since those who claim to know insist upon both.

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