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freewil97 · 26-30, M
Well, I'm not taking an antidepressant anymore, but I have in the past. So has my partner and several other people I know. So there may be some truth to that.

It's true. In the US, particularly, people have been indoctrinated into believing things which are contrary to their true, natural being. The resulting discord, has lead to all manner of spiritual, psychological and physical manifestations; anxiety, depression, disease, suicide.

America's insidious corporate greed has fueled much of this, leaving its people enslaved to a system which uses them to maintain it's power and control over them. And the medical and pharmaceutical industries are loving it.
ScarletWitch · 26-30, F
I only drink water bottles. They are tested. It's not in the water I Promise.

But yet I am still what you have described above. There is nothing wrong with me. I just have a condition. A disorder if you will. Alot of that comes with depression. And I have to take medication so it helps me with what's going on with me. Americans aren't some crazy pill poppers. But it's best we all search and seek help. There is nothing wrong with that. Some of it comes from trauma. Maybe it's different where you are but we all struggle with our lives. No one is the same. And no one should be looked down for it either.
Lapochka · 31-35, F
@ScarletWitch When you put it like that it sounds crazy. The mask thing is a global challenge. It sounds like westerners are soft people, grown too use to comfort and too fragile to cope with a trial.
ScarletWitch · 26-30, F
@Lapochka russia Is scary tho. When I think of Russians I think.. Mother Russia... Strong. Hard core. Cutt throat. Russian roulette.
Lapochka · 31-35, F
@ScarletWitch True. We live here, and we don’t need therapy.
Many people take pills. I think physicians like the money they make by writing prescriptions. People like pills as a quick fix. I am a fan of alternative therapies. They take time, motivation, and commitment.
DestroyerOfIdeologies · 22-25, M
I don't know about the chemical drugs starting to appear on the water but yeah Americans worship psychotropic drugs like a religion. I try my best to avoid anyone on psychotropics.
1) A lot of ppl got "into" therapy in the 1970s & later, I think; this, in spite of the fact that MOST ppl doing "the talking cure" with a therapist get over what brought them there.

2) Idk if it is drugs for mental problems, but SOME chemicals in city water supplies ARE from ppl putting unused/expired medications down the sink or toilet. Many places now have designated places/schedules for dropping off expired pills, and we just had a national day for doing this, to raise awareness of it.
I guess it stops the fish from feeling blue
Talesfromthedarkside · 26-30, M
🤷‍♀️ alot of people use or are on something lol
How is that anti-western? I think there's a lot of truth to that, but the big question is: does it matter? If they're saying that's dangerous, that's probably going too far.

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