AdamJohnson12 · 26-30, M
I’d like the abillity to spread justice thru my invisibility, and i wouldnt want a name since i dont want anyone knowing who i am
SunKiss3d · 31-35, F
@AdamJohnson12 now that is awesome!
ExtremeNext · 36-40
Pfuzylogic · M

The ability to get rid of cellulite and make cookies, chocolate and cake calorie free
I'd let my worshippers name me, but I suspect it would be flattering 😃
I'd let my worshippers name me, but I suspect it would be flattering 😃
William1 · 31-35, M
Not sure on the name, respect to Stan Lee and his imagination. But the super power would be teleporting

Snack Queen. Provider of snacks
SunKiss3d · 31-35, F
I'd be lady huld and my super power would be manipulating time
VeronicaPrincess · 61-69
My superhero name would be "Conscience", and my superpower would be the ability to calm the angry, humble the self-righteous, and heal the broken.
LuvPreggos · 31-35, M
I always wanted super powers as little boy. I remember wanting the ability to grow bigger, very badly so I can become a giant.
Big boy, would be my name.
Big boy, would be my name.
Pfuzylogic · M
Black Panther: enhanced senses, durability and agility. Which man couldn’t use these abilities?
Super awesome peanut head

Badman, so probably more so a supervillian than superhero.

Captain Oatcake, I'd be able to throw oacakes, like Spiderman casts a web.
This is an oatcake
This is an oatcake
[image/video deleted]
assemblingaknob · 31-35, F
Miss laze all day


Crazy Ass lol. Idk probably not that. I'd go around with superhuman strength smashing rapists and child abusers and pedophiles to death.