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Bonny100 · 56-60, T

I think all those who hate themselves are depressed but not vice versa
Yeah I feel like they kinda go hand in hand
They are related, yes. Depressed/suicidal people often feel that others would be better off without them.
Are you experiencing this?
NoYou · 26-30, M
@SW-User I was serverly depressed at one point last year and I also hated myself.. and I was thinkign about that today and I was like did I hate myself first or did the depression start first?
@NoYou How did you recover from that?
NoYou · 26-30, M
@SW-User I didnt really recover so much so as adapted. Though im much better now, theres still days where I feel like its all happening again
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
I can't speak for all but duh lol, u can't hate urself if ur not depressed
I think they’re correlated and one can cause the other
Correlated and either one can cause the other.
Bonny100 · 56-60, T
Mmmm i think ill join you
Bonny100 · 56-60, T
Bonny100 · 56-60, T
Somewhat.. i luv myself but dot do you ?
Bonny100 · 56-60, T
Mmm i luv u

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