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HoldMeCloser56-60, M
Wouldn't be that bad. CRA charges 5% plus another 1% per month.

Did it early, 'cause Equifax. 馃槧
@SW-User Equifax is one of the three credit reporting bureaus in the US that got hacked and 143 million Americans had their Social Security numbers, addresses, credit history, etc. all swiped, including some 17 million driver's license numbers - basically anything anyone needed to open credit accounts in anyone else's name.

So, filed early so if someone else filed in my name, it would get flagged by the IRS.
@SW-User Scandalous!
@SW-User That doesn't begin to describe it. 馃檨
Yeah, they don鈥檛 care so much when they owe you money.
@LyricalOne Exactly!
馃榿 You lucked out then.
Don't worry Trump is going to make it so you only have to do your taxes if you need that information yourself. That's how he's always dealt with the situation.
@Pitchblue I'm Canadian, though
Nope I take the IRS seriously they don't mess around
vetguy199151-55, M

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