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Imani28341-45, F
Awww maybe tummy ache I hope ur dog isn't dying

Bring her to the vet, she will die without food and water.
@BaldAndBold thank you so much
@BaldAndBold so... she died. Turns out she had Addison's Disease.
@SW-User I wasn't sent a notification, I'm sorry you lost her. 馃槥
SandInMyShoes36-40, F
Chocolate is toxic to dogs
@SandInMyShoes can't find one that's open right now
SandInMyShoes36-40, F
@SW-User Look for an emergency one
CountScrofula41-45, M
My Human Body Systems teacher told me that if a dog eats something they're not supposed to, put a little bit of hydrogen peroxide down their throat. Theirs, and our digestive system cannot digest it, and they will throw up everything they've eaten in a matter of seconds.
@insidiousisblindinception we're at the vet now. It's not looking good.
sighmeupforthat46-50, M
@SW-User 馃槕
@sighmeupforthat I found one
sighmeupforthat46-50, M
note: dog's can't digest chocolate.... that's why now days there's a chocolate made for doggies.

gotta catch it before her pancreas goes into diabetic mode (or whatever it's relative to) and then her liver tries to shut down. which takes some time but she's going to be in a world of hurt until you can get her to the doctor.

if you can just get her to barf a little more and see if she can't take some fresh water.

if only!
sighmeupforthat46-50, M
time to take her to the vet and put her on IV and have the docs look over her inside and out then put her on meds. STAT!
uh. it sounds like she may be on her way out. chocolate is a neurotoxin for dogs.
Myzery41-45, F
Hard to diagnose online. She needs to see the vet A.S.A.P. for sure!
Possibly. I would get her to the ER right away.
Imani28341-45, F
Wow I didn't know chocolate can kill a dog WTF
take her to a vet hospital..pronto!
Take her to the animal hospital ! Seriously, you should've done that Thursday. Chocolate can kill a dog.

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