Hearing. i would choose to lose my manhood over my eyesight.
F0X0NTHERUN · 31-35, F
@SW-User Idk if Theon Greyjoy would agree
ChubsFlannigan · 70-79, M
Sight. I love to sing and I love to listen to music. I wouldn't want to lose that. I used to work in industrial darkrooms where there was no light at all and I might as well have been blind. I found it was easy. The only real bad thing about being blind for me would be not being able to drive.
Blindness seperates things from people. Deafness seperates people from people.
F0X0NTHERUN · 31-35, F
@fdbgljkfsdbgkljfsdbgkljS That was beautifully thought out, and then totally relatable.
Asm0deus · F
I would rather lose my sight than my hearing. I know I could feel the beat of the music if I lost my hearing but it wouldn't be the same.
I rather not see the continuous uglyness that still plagues the world. I can just feel the beauty around me through the tips of my fingers.
I rather not see the continuous uglyness that still plagues the world. I can just feel the beauty around me through the tips of my fingers.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Considering I've been half-blind and half-deaf since I was 11, I'd rather be able to see.
TheProphet · M



Hearing...but the thought of it kills me because I don't know what I'd do without music.
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F0X0NTHERUN · 31-35, F
@Longpatrol90 #IDontKnowWhatsGoingOnButItSoundsLikeAGoodTime
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