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Blindness seperates things from people. Deafness seperates people from people.

F0X0NTHERUN · 31-35, F
@fdbgljkfsdbgkljfsdbgkljS That was beautifully thought out, and then totally relatable.

ChubsFlannigan · 70-79, M
Sight. I love to sing and I love to listen to music. I wouldn't want to lose that. I used to work in industrial darkrooms where there was no light at all and I might as well have been blind. I found it was easy. The only real bad thing about being blind for me would be not being able to drive.
Asm0deus · F
I would rather lose my sight than my hearing. I know I could feel the beat of the music if I lost my hearing but it wouldn't be the same.

I rather not see the continuous uglyness that still plagues the world. I can just feel the beauty around me through the tips of my fingers.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Considering I've been half-blind and half-deaf since I was 11, I'd rather be able to see.
Hearing. i would choose to lose my manhood over my eyesight.
F0X0NTHERUN · 31-35, F
@SW-User Idk if Theon Greyjoy would agree
Hearing...but the thought of it kills me because I don't know what I'd do without music.
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F0X0NTHERUN · 31-35, F
@Longpatrol90 #IDontKnowWhatsGoingOnButItSoundsLikeAGoodTime
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