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australiankoala · 46-50, F
When it comes to people I care about I do make allowances for their shortcomings as I'm sure they do mine.

It's the only way I know how to love, I don't like changing people or controlling them. And as long as there's mutual respect and you don't become toxic or an asshole, it remains this way.
Fernie · F
@SW-User I get what you're saying and I agree that it depends on a person's definition of "unconditional" but I believe relationships, are working partnerships and they require conditions, boundaries, limits, and directions to run smoothly. So often assholes do not reveal their assholeishness until way into the relationship. Then the conditions begin. I think you are more loving than I am...:>
@Fernie I never talked about relationships, I talked about love, those are two very different things, they overlap, and sometimes people confuse them with each other.. but they are indeed very different. One is a feeling, the other a social construct.
Fernie · F
@SW-User I get that you're talking about love...but you said "It's the only way I know how to love, I don't like changing people or controlling them. And as long as there's mutual respect and you don't become toxic or an asshole, it remains this way." I'm just saying, agreeing that there are limits so unless I am Ghandi..there will always be said it yourself
metalicblack · 46-50, M
the only condition i have is t be appreciated for my efforts
It is. If someone is able to work their way into my life in such a way, they're stuck with me. We're all fallible, I just expect them to be themselves, warts and all.
Fernie · F
No. There are boundaries we all have...lines that should not be crossed
No, people are selfish in general.
Fernie · F
@jjoe01 everyone? Ever heard the word "selfless?"
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
towards my family and close friends it is.

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