Funkystronglover · 26-30, M
Not yet.

Not in the least.
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SW is not that great but u know it's about meeting the right people and having some real convo

@SW-User Thats very true. Finding genuine folks here rare but its way more likely here than on instagram lol.

Hahaha Tru dat

For one thing, it has made me more gender conscious.

I feel more feminine
TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
Yes it has. EP had a greater impact on me, but this place has been helped me too. How about you?

I can't really say. If it has made any impact, it's vague and barely noticeable
Smileandwave · 46-50, F
A certain few people have. So i would say yes.

Just my mind a lil bit
maybesomeday · 31-35, F
Not at all.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
I think so

Time pass
RudestForm · 31-35, M
Yes. I have more autism than I used to.
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IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
well now know there are many more people with a creepy mind as myself
mazza62 · 61-69, M
It's confirmed my view that the world is full of sad, lonely, confused people.
This site is full of perverts, trolls, and people who sound very dangerous and shouldn't be allowed around children.
This site is full of perverts, trolls, and people who sound very dangerous and shouldn't be allowed around children.
yes, i masturbate less when im being distracted by this madness