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The Lakes District, UK
GlassDog · 46-50, M
@WolfMother: You've never been? I hope you get the chance. I'm a short train trip away and I can't count the number of times I've been. It can be touristy and rainy, but still uniquely beautiful.
Oh shiz....I read that wrong! Yes, I've been. Loved, loved LOVED it.
GlassDog · 46-50, M
@WolfMother: Haha! I had the instinct that you might have, but played along. And yeah, I love it too. I didn't appreciate it at all as a kid for some reason. Weird kid.

GlassDog · 46-50, M
In my mind, the first place that came to mind was Bali or the Maldives.
@GlassDog: YES
probably on some other planet
@crossproduct: Tell me about it :)
the south sea islands :)
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I know of a waterfall on private property in the Mountains of the Carolinas ,
there is a cave there too ,and only locals know its there
they take back out any trash from anything brought in ,
so every time it is as beautiful as the first time I laid eyes on it
OK, but for answers in this world:
Italy, many places i.e. The Vatican, Pisa, etc.
Israel, and in particular the sacred places in Jerusalem.
And lately, it's the Ocean in Cuba: I LOVE IT!🌊😍
In my dreams, there are places not of this world.
Real places.

THAT is *IT*
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder….what is beautiful to me might not be considered beautiful by someone else, and you really don’t know how beautiful a place is until you have been there.
Before I was in Santorini, I had no clue that it was perhaps the most beautiful place I had never been to. Now that I’ve been there, I know that….but I still don’t know what the most beautiful place I’ve never been to is.
Madelenie · 26-30, F
The washroom on the same floor of lobby of a hotel in Disneyland
billstickers · 36-40, M
inside your pants.
@billstickers: 🙄
The Amalfi Coast, Italy
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
@WolfMother: I’m going there in July.
Paris, France-as it was in the 1920's

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