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Briseis · 26-30, F
You are simply a pathetic asshole my dear...
OceanGuy33 · 51-55, M
@SW-User i hear you, i just hate people fucking with others, especially so weakly
@OceanGuy33 In this age, I think most will know who is fucking with another. So I think most will see the charade, move on and he's only damaging himself with words.
OceanGuy33 · 51-55, M
@SW-User i know but i'm having to stay awake and babysit an install for work anyway… so killing time

You’re fucking twisted mate.
OlderDude · 61-69, M
This is one of the most misinterpreted passages of the Bible used only for manipulation.
Yes, it says wives submit to your husbands, but, if you read on, it tell the husbands to lay down their lives for their wives, as Christ layed down his life for the church and to keep her Holy.
That means, dear sir, that the husband shall in no way abuse his wife but treat her with the love Christ had for the Church. ( the 'church' being people, not a building or organization)
NativeOregonian · 51-55
Did your mama drop you on your head on purpose, was your favorite snack as a child paint chips?
Zoranna · F
This has to be the biggest load of bullshit I've EVER read. 🙄
OceanGuy33 · 51-55, M
it's inflammatory yes but as far as any real substance it's sincerely weak. woman is dumb. gays is bad. sure it'd be fun to smack him for saying such idiotic crap. but if a gagensky writes something stupid and nobody reads or acknowledges it the weakness will simple go away.
dreamsicle · 46-50, F
@OceanGuy33 True. Unfortunately, I’m the kind that goes to the zoo and feeds ALL the monkeys. Even the ones that look like maybe their parents were siblings and so maybe he’s a few bananas short of a bunch and he’s flinging poo at himself and really he just wants some attention and doesn’t know how to not be a repulsive oddity.
OceanGuy33 · 51-55, M
haha that's funny, trolls need to be witty, and funny, and when you read their crap your not exactly sure where they stand.. that's when its interesting.. or can be anyway. this "woman stupid" isn't worth anyone's time. and trust me, were he standing by you somehow, you "weak" woman, he'd NEVER say this crap. he'd wet his pants first. lol! and that would be funny to watch!
OceanGuy33 · 51-55, M
he is des troller people do not feed! :)
Zoranna · F
@OceanGuy33 Noted!
dreamsicle · 46-50, F
I get the gist of the ignorant, inflammatory crap that’s being spewed here but I’m trying to understand why it’s written so stupidly. If you could follow some basic grammar rules, it would make it easier to read the message you crawled out from under your bridge to share with the good people of SW.
Wtf are you talking about
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You've made several stupid posts like this so it comes as no surprise your profile now has a warning. Keep up the good work.
OceanGuy33 · 51-55, M
nice is trolling on this here's post..
OceanGuy33 · 51-55, M
🤢🤢🤮 hey there troller bear!! using that 1000s year brain of yours to turn to the page in the bible that states that submission of women to men is niether disrespectful or hated. could you so that please.. i must have missed it.. but i have a highlighter ready to go as soon as you find it!!
😂😂😂 ok sure
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Don't Feed The Troll He's Just Trying To Get A Rise Of You For Enjoyment
RosaDawn · 46-50, F
Women and men were equals for cathars.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Sorry but he looks hungry😟
Talk to your mother.
JupiterDreams · 31-35
*sighs* Why?
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