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JustSimplyMe · 26-30, M Best Comment
I don't mind being in a relationship with someone who isn't spiritual themselves. What matters to me, personally is the balance of respect & boundaries. No matter what our beliefs/morals are, I would like it to be mutual so lines never cross even in the circumstances when there is conflict. It happens in a relationship, it's normal.

Ex: If there was a situation that arose in which started from a petty place and as imperfect human beings, we can be a little shady. 😁 I would hate for words along the lines of: "We wouldn't be having this issue if it wasn't for your little Feng-Shui stuff getting in the way of our relationship." or something similar. Yes, it may be a valid statement or contributing factor in our conflict but to me, personally. That's a barrier that shall not be crossed. Just like if it were for me bringing God into something that didn't have anything to do with him personally but because my mate is Christian, it's easier to shoot a blank towards something they care so much about. Respect/Boundaries must be met at a mutual standpoint in my relationships. Do you know what I mean? 😇
CBNOBLE98 · 22-25, F
@JustSimplyMe Exactly!

I am more spiritual, than flesh. That is, I have the Holy Spirit of God within me, that all believers experience when they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. As far as marrying or dating, God gives us that answer in His Word, which He gave for the purpose of guiding us in life, down the right path. His answer is clear. “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship does light have with darkness?” You can go ahead and do it, but you’ll not like the results. Jesus said not to do it for good reason. We should take heed. It’s not wise to be in opposition with God’s wise council. He sees into our future and knows what’s best for us, and always has our best interest at heart. He tells us not to lean on our own understanding, but lean on Him if you want to get things right. If it wasn’t so important, He wouldn’t have warned against it. Wisdom comes from the Lord.
SoFine · 46-50, F
As a spiritual person, we know the role of ego.
My husband, is neutral on this subject. His ego, is generally personnel, just occasionally we log heads (egos )

We stay clear of Dogma, peruse freedom of ego, freedom from the illusion of this material world.

Each one has a path that will lead them back home to the great spirit.

Be at peace (if you ain't - then your ego is calling the shots in your life )
Iam and yes but I would prefer whatever their beliefs that they are open minded.
I'm not attracted to people with narrow views
ShadowOfMyself · 31-35, M
I believe in something like a spirit, but I don’t believe in religion
No and yes.

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