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envelop231-35, M
Beans make you pass gas

I am, always have been. As a kid i used to wonder why wouldn't people express themselves, i never saw most of the human emotions being expressed around me, it was only something i used to read in stories and it would touch my heart. I don't know why people are scared to admit they are humans, they make mistakes, they love, they get hurt, heart broken, hope, get sick, see a loved one die, feel various emotions...we all go through the same things, just in different order...and yet we don't see others as humans, as we are. We criticize others, berate others, but that's also a part of being human. We create divisions based on country, religion, ethnicity or anything, but when it comes to our experiences, we all feel the same, experiences may vary, but we all go through the same things. Compassion for everyone, is what humanity is for me. Doesn't matter if you're a humanbean or humanbeing 馃槣 lol I guess this much long answer is enough for now lol 馃槣
Bean1746-50, F
I definitely agree with you about the compassion part! And idk, despite a lifetime of experience otherwise, I will probably always have hope for humanity.馃槉
juiceyangel33331-35, F
Too long to read
@JustaHumanBean: We are still evolving. I am optimistic. Our history does show the improvement of the Human Condition/Situation over time. Learning to live with and take care of each other. Evolution is a slow process. I wonder what it will be like ... 8)
yeronlyman51-55, M
I'm a humanist... And long before I even knew what the word even meant
Bean1746-50, F
Ha! You and me both.馃槣
yeronlyman51-55, M
@JustaHumanBean: 馃檪
polyandrym6670-79, M
I definitely was a HUMANIST until I was 55yo. I now use my live long meditation practice (Transcendental Meditation) to include the universal light in my life energy and to contemplate things.
Neo66631-35, F
No, fed up with humanity long ago..yet there's a spark remained, awaiting....馃槒
GeistInTheMachine31-35, M
You still have a spark of hope for humanity?

Neo66631-35, F
Still going to work, still serving the so called human whom doesn't act like a not d time, d burden yet to be released, responsibility yet to be forgotten.. rules are there, hands are tight, and I haven't enjoy enough d big blue skies.. before d heaven fall before d hell break up, I shall....
GeistInTheMachine31-35, M
@Neo666: That's really deep.
that is exactly what I am
But you hate men, white people, religious people and anyone who disagrees with your extremist ideology! You're the opposite of a humanist 馃槀馃枙馃従
@A7xqueen: and you hate me which is why you are spewing all that untrue nonsense about me...because I have disagreed with YOU several times. Your words mean nothing to me. The people here who get me don't see me that way...the grownups. I hate no one. I hate behaviors. YOU are the hater here dear
@Fernie: Everyone knows what your like Fernie. Bitter, predictable and boring
[image deleted]
juiceyangel33331-35, F
Yes I'm only human
juiceyangel33331-35, F
@JustaHumanBean: I do lol
Bean1746-50, F
Lol. It's stuck in my head.馃榿
juiceyangel33331-35, F
@JustaHumanBean: same now lol ugh
Probably lean more that way than I do atheism. But humanism comes with "conditions" and includes the group think component which is something I try to avoid. Atheism is more black and white.
@JustaHumanBean: Yeah. That makes sense. But you pretty much highlighted the "conditions" I mentioned. To be a humanist you are supposed to think a certain way. What you shared implies that atheists can't have a positive view of the world. That's silly.
That kind of purposeful differentiation is a tool used by those who want to solidify thought, create a group consensus and then apply that consensus to others. It's no different than any religion. So while my perspective may be "humanist-driven," I don't need the constructs of religion to verify or solidify my thoughts.
Just my 18 cents.
@Ynotisay: LABELS ?
Bean1746-50, F
I hear what you're saying. I feel like it highlighted the differences between the two, but I didn't get that it implied the absence of belief is a negative or that atheists can't have positive world views no matter what. Anywho, when I posted it I was actually thinking more along the lines of--we're all just human beans here and every single one of us deserve equal rights irregardless! But thanks for the 18 cents worth. You gave me food for thought.馃槉
I like how your username is JustaHumanBean and your profile pic is a potato. That's not even a legume! It's a root vegetable. Human Bean my foot!
I'm kidding. I assume your username is in reference to the BFG?

I suppose I could be considered a passive humanist.
Bean1746-50, F
My profile pic is me! A (human) bean!! But honestly I get mistaken for a potato quite often, so I just let them think what they wanna think.馃槣 And yes! Am I right or am I left??
Bean1746-50, F
I did a quiz after I saw your question
and all they did was
ask questions to determine if you're either for God or for Humans
they say:We calculate you are 67% humanist....
but the quiz was bull 馃挬
Bean1746-50, F
We call BS!馃挬 I wonder if it would say I'm 100%.?馃槣
GeistInTheMachine31-35, M
I used to be. Now I'm just a misanthrope.
Bean1746-50, F
GeistInTheMachine31-35, M
@JustaHumanBean: I applaud the inevitable anihilation of the Human race.
Bean1746-50, F
Glad you've got something you're looking forward to!
envelop231-35, M


Nah. I'm block happy.
Bean1746-50, F
Bean1746-50, F

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