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cosylittlewotsit · 22-25, F
Well done and good luck ^^
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@kingkyri woohoo!
twistermind · 51-55, F
@kingkyri Congratulations!!!!! 👍
okaybut · 56-60, M
@kingkyri Awesome!!! Congrats!!
will999 · 70-79, M
@kingkyri. Well done and good luck. I smoked at least 20 a day sometimes starting a second pack if I had a long day, from about age 19 for two years or so then I quit coldturkey. Forty years later I was still dreaming at night that I lit up and I would wake up in a cold sweat and feeling remorseful. Then it dawned on me that dreams don't give you cancer, they're free and they provide temporay relief from the withdrawls. I stopped worrying and decided to just enjoy them. That is when the dreams stopped. I started smoking because most of my friends smoked, one of the most stupid things I have ever done. I am now free of it. It would have been better not start but at age 19 my peer group was more important to me than life itself. If you're reading this because you are thinking of taking up smoking, save yourself a sh_t load of grief and quit while you still can.
Hdryder555 · 61-69, M
Hang in there, for almost 30 years I smoked at the and I was smoking Almost 20 cigs a day, now I'm coming up on 10 years smoke free.
I did it you can too.
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Hdryder555 · 61-69, M
@kingkyri you're welcome, I'm here if you want to talk
I am so proud for you!!!
A ginormous and happy CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU KING!
@kingkyri i know people who have given uo aftwr reading that book. He also runs a course where if you start smoking within 6 months you get a refund. It worked for my brother and he stopped smoking 15 years ago
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@kingkyri i know, i bought him the book and he never read it
I’ve been preferring the e-cig over tobacco, I’ve been off tobacco for over a year, and been on the e-cig since then. I only smoke tobacco when I make a spin with the weed.
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I wanted to quit but now i have become chain smoker like,I want to kill myself.really need to cut it off before it cuts off my life
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@kingkyri Thats tje problem, i dont smoke for fun ... But yeah you are right. Will leave it eventually
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That is wonderful..I quit 14 years ago and I know how rough it can be..Good for you..🙂
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Well done to you.
twistermind · 51-55, F
@SW-User It’s amazing how smell and smoke from one’s own cigarette doesn’t bother to oneself but when there’s someone else smoking, you realised how awful it is and when you are quitting it is even harder to stand. So, I understand why old smokers are the most haters to this habit.
@twistermind Then you may be surprised: I, the former kid of two adults who smoked and back then it was the thing to do.
I mean I recall when I was little, like, kindergarten little.
We lived in a tiny quarters, in my birth country.

When I was in J.H., I'd hear all school sponsored lectures
and bring home pamphlets.
I'd even *steal* some packages of my parents smokes and hide them in my old red shiny rucksack.
Oh well. I really TRIED so hard to help them.

At this point in my life, I can detect smoke from 100+ Meters away:

Also, when I inhale it at close proximity my throat closes up, it's a reflex I don't do it intentionally.

So, I am putting it out there:
The most ardent hater of smoke is ME.
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twistermind · 51-55, F
I know how hard it is. So much that I haven’t been able to quit it yet. :-(
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metaldog · 51-55
wow that's really fantastic I know how hard it is to stop! 40 cigarettes a day jayzus!!!
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okaybut · 56-60, M
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Keep it going.

Just think of the money you will save ... about €100 a week
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And just wait for your sense of smell to return @kingkyri

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