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Enjoyinglifethebest41 · 41-45, M
I've had to learn the hard way several times too. I know how you feel

rckt148 · 61-69, M
I grieved over my ex 8 Long years ..every single day
So many of her things are still in my home ,I could get rid of her things though
She wanted to talk ,but I knew if I did I would just nose dive again and beg her to come back again .
But last year ,I gave in ,she wanted to come to my Grandson graduation .
I was tired of feeling like an ass ,every event my family having to ask if I was coming ,and if I was telling her not to come (she is a great woman so my family still loves her very much ,as do I )
Like I knew I would ,she hung on me the whole time ,neither of us paid any attention to the graduation ,,I was so happy with her next to me again .
She came to my home and I let her get some of her things and we talked .
She still left a lot of her stuff ,I knew for an excuse to come back again .
Then I started taking her phone calls ,she tells me she loves me as much as ever
Hates she hurt me ,and she is not happy .
But now she has 2 kids by the man she left me for .
She calls me at 2 am last week ,she had been on a trip
when we first got together she went on a trip with her Mom and we both got so anxious missing each other ,I had to get put on meds ,it was killing me not having her home .
When she left ,I almost died ,couldn't eat over 30 days ,had a heart attack and ended up in the hospital .still she didn't even come to the hospital .
Now that she wants me back ,,and we have been on a few dates .
I remember how she knew how bad she hurt me ,,and no call
no reason ,she didn't care back then if I died .
Now that she wants me back ,,I can see
and I am thinking ,,do I really want her back
If she could do that to me once ,,what if she ever did it again .
That is to much pain to endure again ,,
I am now starting to consider if I even want to be her friend .
I am happy when we are together ,,
But that pain almost killed me ,,I never want to feel that again ,,
SO my question to you is ,,is he worth it ?
Would he regret knowing what he has done to you ?
If the answer is NO ,,let him go ,,for you're own good
Montanaman · M
I wish you can find happiness with the right man. One who treats you like a queen or princess. You deserve that, as every woman does. 😔🤗🤗💞💞🥰🥰
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@Montanaman Good to see you brother ,I hope all is well .
staying safe and health and all that .
Montanaman · M
@rckt148 thank you 👍👍😁🤗🤗
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
It's called learning and something we all go through.. But I agree, love and cherish yourself, that was you don't stoop down to the cruds ;)
Fauxmyope2 · 31-35, F
I could have written this. It hurts! 🤗
Montanaman · M
@Fauxmyope2 😔🤗🤗*Feels*💔💓
Fauxmyope2 · 31-35, F
@Montanaman Thank you! 🤗
Montanaman · M
@Fauxmyope2 Always 👍👍🤗
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BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
Nice body

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