zvox77 · 46-50, M
Love it. Very informative
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Not really, but thanks
zvox77 · 46-50, M
I loooove this!!! You're awesome 😄
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Not as awesome as you ❤
@crunchyvirgo: nuuuh. 🤗 happy graduating! 💙
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crunchysavage · 26-30, F
I love you for taking the time to respond to every one of my mundane facts ty ❤
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Femme4thewin · 22-25, F
This is adorable. You seem like an approachable person 😊
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@crunchyvirgo: 😲🤗😍😘
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@crunchyvirgo: 🤣 🍾💕💞
Carbohydrate · F
You forgot to add "I'm so beautiful I've modeled for some of the biggest fashion designers"
Carbohydrate · F
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
I apologize if that came across rude or bitchy. Modelling just wasn't a good phase of my life and I don't like to think about it.
Carbohydrate · F
No worries.
Yulianna · 26-30, F
that's cool 🙂
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
You're cool :)
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@crunchyvirgo: if we get much cooler we'll be freezing 😎
OpenlyHonestly · 31-35, F
A year program in Rome after high school, bachelors degree in software engineering/development, freelance makeup artist...
I admire you. That's what I call a successful person.
I admire you. That's what I call a successful person.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
I'm beaming you've made me sound far more accomplished than I actually am 😊

I have posted the top ten things about me on SW and am working on more. You seem very intelligent and, I am sure, very well traveled. Pleased to meet you
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
The pleasure is all mine mcsteamy 😊😍

@crunchyvirgo: If you ever need a personal doctor, don't hesitate to ask :)
Reject · 26-30, M
Lol, I can share a lot because I just know myself really well. You seem super smart though. Early graduation, software engineer. Wow. I feel dumb in comparison. 😋 I liked reading about you though! You seem really nice and humble. These are good things.
Reject · 26-30, M
@crunchyvirgo: Really? That surprises me. You look really pretty to me if that's you in your profile pictures. 👀 It looks like we both make people feel awkward then. Whoops! 😄 I like us that about us though. ❤
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Tbh I'm just photogenic I don't look that good in real life 😂
But yeah the fuckboys are rampant where I'm from they don't care if a girl is pretty all they care about is if she's "easy"
But yeah the fuckboys are rampant where I'm from they don't care if a girl is pretty all they care about is if she's "easy"
Reject · 26-30, M
@crunchyvirgo: Mmm. Maybe, but there's only so much you can fake in photos that aren't heavily edited. I see beauty there. 🙂
Yeah, fuckboys are common. They confuse being nice with flirting for their egos I'm sure. 😒 I have the opposite problem. I get too attached emotionally and then things get messy with feelings!
Yeah, fuckboys are common. They confuse being nice with flirting for their egos I'm sure. 😒 I have the opposite problem. I get too attached emotionally and then things get messy with feelings!

EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
Well, I'm impressed. I'm a programmer, too. Love women who get into software development. There aren't nearly enough of you.
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@crunchyvirgo: Perfectly understandable.
What areas/types of software development interest you the most?
What areas/types of software development interest you the most?
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
I don't think I'll be able to answer that without rambling... 😂
EnigmaticGeek · 61-69, M
@crunchyvirgo: Then feel free to PM me. I'd love to read your ramblings re. software, or anything else, for that matter. You're obviously highly intelligent, and I like hanging with intelligent people. I always think if I'm the smartest person in the room, then I'm in the wrong room.
FYI, I took me years to figure out what i wanted to be when I grow up. I'm still working on the growing up part.
FYI, I took me years to figure out what i wanted to be when I grow up. I'm still working on the growing up part.
Kinopio · 31-35, T
Software developer turn make-up artist, interesting. Rich kids? Are you in Hampton?
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
NYC lol and I haven't even graduated yet
Kinopio · 31-35, T
@crunchyvirgo: Oh, I see. Anyways, since you're going to work as software developer. One thing i wanna ask, do you like gaming? Lol
Teirdalin · 31-35
@Kinopio: Hey do you play Skyrim? *poke*
If so, check out my project I've worked on since 2012-
The Epic Halloween Overhaul
Also I highly suggest grabbing
Right now if you didn't. Best price you're ever going to get on total war warhammer; and it's only up for like 12 more hours I think(?)
If so, check out my project I've worked on since 2012-
The Epic Halloween Overhaul
Also I highly suggest grabbing
Right now if you didn't. Best price you're ever going to get on total war warhammer; and it's only up for like 12 more hours I think(?)
Apple · 26-30, F
What do you mean by your face resembles a pizza? You look fine to me
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This message was deleted by its author.
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happymax · 51-55, M
perhaps I should do this too! That was really interesting!
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Perhaps you should.
Pfuzylogic · M
They do the 50 and longer on the Vent app.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
I hate listing things about myself; I never know what is important. It's hard to encapsulate a person in a list eh?
crunchysavage · 26-30, F

you are very pretty and kind.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F

Now I want pizza.
metanarrative · 46-50, M
A most peculiar young lady.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Better than being boring!
metanarrative · 46-50, M
Meant to be a compliment of course, perhaps I should also have said charming. :)
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
Nice to mmeet you
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
bijouxbroussard · F
You're amazing. You've accomplished so much at a young age. I've been dealing with depression most of my life, too, so I totally understand how much work that is.
crunchysavage · 26-30, F
I respect and admire you so very much. Thank you for putting a smile on ny face, I really needed it.
bijouxbroussard · F
@crunchycunt: 🤗
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Thanks for sharing
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crunchysavage · 26-30, F
Yeah but that's just mindless dribble.